Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Project started

This is the main screen from my new project.


  1. YAY, a xmb editor, is it going to be like a flash 0/.ctf theme for the psp?

  2. It will be a PC application that allows you to change what is on your XMB. Ive had many requests for feature changes and decided to satisfy everyone's requests. Ultimately it will allow everything to be altered and uploaded via FTP. But because of current restrictions to /dev_flash this is only useful when using JaiCrabs USB Firmware loader and will also alter images on USB, but will be fully compatible when we do get more write access to the internal Flash.

  3. Nice work, man! Your work is appreciated.

  4. great work hope for an release with cool features.

    thx for your time to spend at this project
