Sunday, September 19, 2010

Added Functionality to XMB

Ok I found a way to add some more functions to the XMB. As a POC I edited the PSN XML file swapping the"View id=root" and View id ="tool_root" I left all the functions in their place, just swapped which View id was allowed to use which functions. Here is a screen shot of the new PSN menu, still not able to sign in due to Software Update. However there are quite a few of these I can swap, more to come!

EDIT: ORIGINALLY I SAID THIS WOULD PROBABLY NOT BRING BACK OTHEROS. Now I have to move that to the "It Just might" catagory. I realized that I was using an old flash image from before I installed otheros with the EBOOT.BIN swap method. Technically I can add ANY entry I want. and it can point to any file I want. So Maybe I can make it work, DONT GET YOUR HOPES TOO HIGH...But remain cautiously optimistic.

EDIT 2 Forgot I used <> so it hid the tags I edited, sorry about that.


  1. Hummm could it be possible to use a modified eboot to execute otheros after installation ? Sorry if my question is stupid.

  2. No questions are stupid. Thats how I loaded the installer for OtherOS. C4pt's method works for any SELF file, which is cool. Now the real question is can we make a linux_loader.self. I can add the feature in XMB no problem. Ive also seen a few people askin "so what" about the XML hacks, well what it really shows us is that we can call functions from SPRX files (which are like windows dlls) and tell the OS to do whatever we want, include load.selfs, Pkg files and BINs. Thats the real hack. OR does someone have a /dev_flash file dump from when all those guys were using the memory glitch mod from within linux, if I can get one of those, I KNOW I can do it

  3. Awesome progress.
    Talk to him. I don't know how did he figured it out, but he must know of a way to trigger the bug on older firmwares. If you manage to run the exploit in an older firmware with otheros, then you would have everything you need.
    Good luck!

  4. Most of this post has to do with XMLXCB

    1) The windowing system for the GAMEOS is called XML-XCB its a C/C++ replacement for Xlib. How do I know this ? Look in you /dev_flash/vsh/resource/xmb/ check out a .xml file there and look at the protocols xcb://localhost is one of them. There are more facts that lead me to this conclusion but have a look for yourself.

    2) it looks like the entire system is (like most *NIX systems) server based. Each program does a small task (well) and requests stuff from servers (like Xserver, but in this case XCB). User login is done over a local server, and so is setting up your menus. I kinda thought this one was odd, the system requests a list from its self to setup the menu system for your console, if you look enough you will find requests from the widget to check /app_home/widget/ so I think we may be able to add some stuff (I changed my RSS server in some file(forget which) to be the feed for we need to be able to sign into PSN to invoke the widget to check(for now)

    Just wanted to post some facts regarding GAMEOS

  5. i have OTHEROS still installed on my system, i never updated to the new FW' would i go about getting my dump to you...hit me up @
